OPS SYSTEM: The Making Of A Cash Bitch

The OPS System is the release. You clearly understand your role in relation to me. Your role has always been clear, simple, precise, and to the point: transferring your wealth to me. It’s always been about Wealth Redistribution for me. I’m not sorry you fell in love with me, cash bitch loser. The makings of a cash bitch take time and patience, let’s get started


Where A Cash Bitch Finds Himself

You scourged the internet looking for a release, didn’t you? As a result, it caused a longing to experience a release you can never produce on your own because you’re you. Yet, release is here, now, with me. And I’ve got you locked in my cash paying pit forever. You’ve listened, stayed away, obeyed, and more importantly, you’ve paid, cash bitch. Because you now understand that it’s always been about Serving Black Women. You understand that your whims and desires are never primary, cash bitch loser. We have grown so close with you participating only monetarily.

Molding A Cash Bitch

A cash pig is not fucking born. One must create it. You have learned over time, through constant repetition that: only cash moves me. I make this very clear in our interactions. Have you ever interacted with me and not paid me? Has there ever been a time you could get close to me without giving what it is due for that interaction? Lonely, cash bitch, there will never come a time, ever.

Fast forward to you now, a seasoned HBM bitch. A paying, subservient little bitch. A paying, loyal to only me, in cash, bitch. Look at how far you have come. The O.P.S System is working perfectly. You are in a league of your own. One of my best cash bitches made it to the 10k club this year. He is the most happy of my cash bitches. Oh, how excited he was to hear that he has sacrificed so much for his Queen Princess. Seek to become better than him. Make me forget about him because your cash is longer than his.

Pride, Ego & Cash Bitches

There is always a bit of pride and ego when giving your hard earned cash to a woman who gives you nothing in return for that transaction. However, it is what humbles you into service. This act alone removes ego from you interactions with me slowly overtime. It takes away that “pride” and turns it into grace, happiness, generosity. Qualities such as those make men worthy of my time and attention. And you do want my time and attention.

How To Become A Cash Bitch

Becoming a cash bitch is easy, all it takes is repetition. First, you must devote your financial life to me. Dedicating your disposable income to me is the first step into becoming a well-loved cash bitch. This is money you would probably spend doing boring things or harmful things like drinking or buying porn from vanilla sites. You now have a purpose for this money. The purpose is me.

Secondly, you become a cash bitch by showing constant support. Buying clips and calling me everyday on Niteflirt is the best way to show that you want to be seen and chosen. Supporting me is your priority. It makes me enjoy your presence more. Your financial support is the most important thing about you. Make sure that you keep your record with me up!

Lastly, every time I post a blog post or a podcast you are to make sure you devour it! I post a podcast once a week. You are required to listen to it and listen to it on repeat. This is a free educational source. Make sure that you take advantage of that. If you are a sub on a budget please refer this post HERE.


As always, I use this last paragraph to direct you to my Podcast links, my latest blog posts, my clip stores, and my twitter links. I am always accepting sessions here in Atlanta, GA. I am always accepting Skype Sessions, please book these 24 hours ahead, unless you see that I am online on NF, then call the NF line. My twitter is currently suspended until 11/11/19, @hailblackmamba, @hailblackmamba2, @aspen_aires. My main clipstores are IWC & C4S. I do prefer C4S, I love them as a company.

Also, join my newsletter HERE.