De-centerting Men Is Imperative To Survival

Society, well men, make women feel bad for not wanting children, not wanting to keep their children, not having children, not caring for children. For a long time I have been on the fence with having children. I require that I am with someone I love, care for, is financially stable, can give me whatever I want materially, emotionally, physically, and mentally. I also have to be in the position to give myself these things. Clearing things for myself. They must have the best life as possible. Which is why birth control will continue to be a thing for me. I must create these little beings consciously. However, men still feel they should butt into the center of all things women, especially where it concerns them not.


Tomorrow's Podcast will be about Toilet Slavery, so make sure you tune in on these platforms: Itunes, Spotify, Soundcloud. Pissing on losers is something that is an absolute favorite of mine, so of course it has to be featured on the podcast. If you haven't been tuning in on my podcast, it's because you haven't been paying attention. Podcasts are updated weekly! Don't miss an episode, bitch!

Pussy Traitor

It seems that Femdom has become a reflection of male human desires and not about serving women. Today, we reflect on why you don't matter. Why your fantasies don't matter.…

Upcoming Travel Plans

Hey there again little bitches. I have been quite the traveler this month. This month I have been to FL numerous times. I almost feel like to have not sat the fuck down at all in my own home this month. My next trip is coming up to Orlando with my good friend from middle school. We are going to Sea World. Make sure you get my Onlyfans for those photos of me enjoying myself. I will make photo sets to sell on all platforms as well.

Toilet Boy—New Release

I have been neglecting my shit eaters. This morning, I released a new clip! I have missed making toilet humiliation/fetish clips. They sell very well and shit eaters are very humble. Toilets are always in style. In fact, the next few releases will be from that 2017 script list because they are amazing ideas. The clips are available on the IWC, C4S, & MV platforms. Of course, members of, my onlyfans, will have access to the new clip as well.


I started a podcast finally! I have been wanting to make a podcast for the last two years but I never made it a priority nor took any steps toward…

New Niteflirt PTV Game

Excitedly, I have been learning more about image-mapping. It has been super fun to basically relearn all these skills I lost when Myspace left us to battle scum like Facebook…

Ricky’s Dick

So, I have had this one client who calls me frequently to discuss a moment when he was youth and saw his first huge cock. He describes this character as…