Tag: Social Justice for Women

  • Why Topics Like Gynarchy & Female Domination In It’s True Form Are Taboo & Triggering

    Why Topics Like Gynarchy & Female Domination In It’s True Form Are Taboo & Triggering

    Today, I posted in a subreddit r/FemdomCommunity. This is what I posted:

    Gynarchy Drives People Crazy Even Though It’s Just An Idea, Not A Large-Scale Demonstration

    In this subreddit, I noticed so many people going off the topic of the questions posed, which were:

    1. As a sub, with knowledge of how patriarchy can affect male and female dynamics, what behaviors, practices, and routines do you share with your dominant to prove you are a benefit to her? I say this because, in my opinion, plenty of men are clueless about how patriarchy can shape our interactions, even the smallest. I think it is important to have a submissive educate themselves on these dynamics and adopt a mindset of gynarchy. Also, how do you, as a submissive, benefit or not from patriarchy? Genuine question. I look forward to your responses.

    If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you are intimate with my beliefs on how I feel female dominance should be conducted. If you need some catching up, please view this article. I wrote this article a while back, but today made me see how important and iconic that post was. In the subreddit, the conversation quickly went everywhere, but on what was asked because of this statement: “I say this because, in my opinion, plenty of men are clueless about how patriarchy can shape our interactions, even the smallest. I think it is important to have a submissive educate themselves on these dynamics and adopt a mindset of gynarchy. ” Whoa, I hit a fucking nerve there. Everyone with 2 brain cells who could not truly give real perspective on why what I was saying was a real issue besides having butt hurt feelings chimed in.

    So, let’s explore gynarchy, what it is, and why I do believe it is an extension of my practice of true female dominance and female supremacy.






    government by women

    Of course, I believe this to be an extension of female domination, female supremacy. I do not seek to have equality with males. I would like for women to be completely sovereign of the political, economic, and emotional rule of patriarchy. This is not to be confused. I am not changing my stance on this. This does not neglect the fact that I acknowledge that patriarchy harms males. That was not even the question being posed. The comments were extremely focused on my pov about gynarchy that none of the commentors answered the question:

    As a sub, with knowledge of how patriarchy can affect male and female dynamics, what behaviors, practices, and routines do you share with your dominant to prove you are a benefit to her? Also, how do you, as a submissive, benefit or not from patriarchy?

    The answers that were provided were male-focused. They did not truly address how the submissive male can benefit and support the female dominant in an atmosphere like patriarchy. It is interesting that even in a kink, a fantasy, where women are the focus and center, we must center males in our practice when that is not the definition of Femdom at all. Why do I as a woman have to make space for this type of thought process in my female domination kink at all? When the focus is on me, the female dominant?

    Also, the core of a d/s relationship is about some form of inequality, such as kink. I was posting in a “female dominance” subreddit. I was very confused by the talkings out of assholes saying that I am imposing my idea of femdom on others by voicing my belief in gynarchy, which had nothing to do with the question.

    gynarchy is political femdom is political

    The Real Reason Ideas About Gynarchy Trigger People

    Men do not want to acknowledge the realities of patriarchy and how female dominance is political at it’s core due to the content and depth of how radical it already is! Female dominance is kink, but it is also literally political and radical as hell because of the global oppression of women and the forced gender roles patriarchy places on both sexes.

    Men want to enjoy their femdom in a comfortable way, and it’s literally not okay. I have already talked about my dislike for kinksters in relation to female dominance. Those people are not my target audience, and if they feel attracted to me, they should purchase content and refrain from interacting with me because I refuse to be their kink dispenser.

    I am not sure what everyone was in disagreement about as far as gynarchy and the question that no one could answer thoroughly, but it was a damn mess and shows how important it is for a woman to not be fickle in her stance on this. I do believe that women are superior to men. I spoke about my reasons in my recent podcast. I am not going to cater to other’s opposition to my beliefs because it hurts male human feelings and the feelings of women who lack self-preservation.

    If men wanted an egalitarian system, knowing the benefits it brings, they could do so right now. However, they do not! Why? They do not want to lose power. They collectively agree to participate in patriarchy because of that! So, when women say they prefer the egalitarian approach, it’s like, well, fucking duh, but tell the men in power that and then come back to me.

    It is almost like most women lack self-preservation, and giving males this grace they have as a collective never has given us. I do believe there should be female-led governments. I do believe that if men revered women more, communities would flourish. That is what female dominance is about. At its core, it is a direct challenge to patriarchy. However, everyone is allowed to express their opinion, but what I will not stand for is someone imposing their beliefs on me because they disagree. I am not changing my fucking mind on this: men should submit to women! I do believe women are better suited to be in positions of leadership! End of story.

    Gynarchy Aside, The Question Remained Unanswered in The Subreddit

    As a sub, with knowledge of how patriarchy can affect male and female dynamics, what behaviors, practices, and routines do you share with your dominant to prove you are a benefit to her? Also, how do you, as a submissive, benefit or not from patriarchy?

    I bring this question to you, readers. I would like to know your answer to this question. If you do not know enough about how patriarchy molds your interactions with women, then please say so, and we can discuss. However, there is too much data to argue that men currently need to step down from leadership roles while women and other minority groups step up, as they have proven incapable of handling leadership. In fact, most men often feel burdened by being leaders. Please click this link to read about “Precarious Manhood”.

    Again, to say female domination is not political is to say sex work is not political. Laudable.