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Tag: atlanta femdoms
The Changes We All Have Been Experiencing
Hello wankers! I’m back with another very late post. I am sure you have been checking this everyday. To the point you feel like you’re stalking me, waiting for an update. To be honest, since all this started I have been extremely lazy. I have been doing very little work. That’s just the energy I have been in lately. The way we live our lives may never be the same after this.
This COVID-19 virus has put a lot of things of pause. Schools, banks, concerts, sports have been slammed to a screeching halt. This is an event that none of us have experienced. I hoping that you all are remaining safe during this time. That you are not taking things for granted if you do still have work. That you take this time to really see the inequalities in our system and so something about it this November.
We have witnessed media distrust, politician dead ass lying to our faces on TV. We see our healthcare systems in shambles and people who we deemed as “non-essential” become very essential in our lives these past few weeks. I hope that it humbles you and causes you to become kinder to one another.
On the other note, if you’re still able to tribute, serve, and be useful then know that it is still required of you to do so. My sympathies can only extend so far as serving me is of course the utmost priority. Even over your wife and children. Remember that as well.
C4S is running a special where I am able to get 100% on ALL clip sales this month due to the pandemic. Just visit Show me love. If you haven’t already make sure you check out my podcast at, join my onlyfans for $7.99 until May 3rd! Follow me on twitter/ig @hailblackmamba2. I have a bunch of FREE content that can be found HERE. Go support!
Pussy Traitor
It seems that Femdom has become a reflection of male human desires and not about serving women. Today, we reflect on why you don’t matter. Why your fantasies don’t matter. We talk about how you’re using Femdom as a way to segway into faggotry. Understand that sucking dick is not native to my superior feminine form. I do not naturally have a dick, but you naturally have a g-spot in your asshole. Penetration is for you. However, not by deformed reproductive systems like male organs. No, by a pegging device. Me pegging you establishes my known dominion over you. It’s not for your pleasure, it is to show DOMINANCE.
As there is nothing dominant about you, pegging is not about being a faggot. It’s not about your weird obsession with big black dick. No, you get pegged because I’m the top and you’re the bottom and sex with my pussy is unavailable to you. So, I fuck your inside pussy until you cum because you are my bitch. In no way are you to be thinking about a man while doing this because that is a violation. I am not interested in men who want to serve men and not women. Calling me to talk about your obsession with dick is a no,no. Let’s discuss pegging and why it’s virtually all about submission. When you begin to understand this, you may start to understand how important it is to forget your dick worship. Worship pussy. Worship superior reproductive systems.
Watch this video HERE. Get the Mp3 HERE. Get ALL of my content HERE.
Toilet Boy—New Release
I know it has been awhile since I have created a #toiletfetish clip for my shit eaters. I have been neglecting my shit eaters. This morning, I released a new clip! I have missed making toilet humiliation/fetish clips. They sell very well and shit eaters are very humble. Toilets are always in style. In fact, the next few releases will be from that 2017 script list because they are amazing ideas. The clips are available on the IWC, C4S, & MV platforms. Of course, members of, my onlyfans, will have access to the new clip as well. I also put out a new Blackmail MP3. I haven’t gotten much into blackmail since the beginning of my career but it is starting to pique my interest. Finding more ways to entrap you.
UPDATE[: There are so many new toilet humiliation clips available right /ow at So now, all toilets have the opportunity to be bed and drink my golden nectar while watching from the comfort of his home. This week before my Houston trip I will be filming more toilet fetish clips for you boys! I know that you are always eager and ready. Being my toilet paper is your life.
NITEFLIRTDon’t Want To Pay? Get A Fucking Wife
I have heard this statement so many time from guys online. It’s truly a baffling statement. I often wonder are these men actively seeking lifestylers or are they purposely bothering women who are charging for their services, products, and time? How annoying is it to see this statement? Very befuddling. I would think if you are going to a place that is selling a product that you want, that you would: expect to pay for it?
It’s not like you and I would ever meet at a bar and I would choose you. If you are aware of stats, the chances of you even crossing my path without giving me money are 0.00001%. Clearly because life is code and I have coded my shit so I am not contacted in my real life by those who are interested in fetish because I sell fetish. The chances of me meeting someone in my real life who is interested in these things are zero because CODE bitch. Which means I am not looking for fetish in my real life. So, I would rarely come across it in partners I’m dating or even in passing. Which means, I’m doing this for the money. Because, I sell fetish fantasies for money, it’s my career of choice ATM. Which means…what the fuck are you even talking about?
It seems like you guys are forgetting the fucking code. Let’s be so fucking real, it may hurt, you will never be in my presence for free. You have came across me as a Producer/Pro-Fetish Model/Pro-Femdom. The Pro means I get paid for my time, services, attention given to clients via CASH. I wonder what in seven fucks do you mean, “You’re only in it for the money.” Are you dumb? Or are you stupid? I can’t imagine you being smart, so I didn’t provide that option as a question to ask.
Literally my face, every time. I think guys who are like the examples provided above should put more effort into finding a real girlfriend or wife, or domme who is in the lifestyle and wants to play with them for free. I love my career because I get paid for it. I love my lifestyle because I love my career that I get paid for. I wonder have I ever made this not clear. Did the fact that I have things for sale, promo selling things, mean that I in fact am not here for the CHECK? I am befuddled. This is simple CODE guys. Life is CODING. You bitches really put yourselves in situations where one must really question: “Are men this fucking dumb? or Are do they think they’re above my cash requirements? Or Maybe just dumb?”
This is why FEMDOM is needed in all men’s lives. I think not having a solid woman guiding men from the beginning of their lives is an impediment to my fucking work. This sense of “not paying for” women’s time is ingrained in every future little loser human male being born on the planet, granted his parents life a morally correct lifetstyle by which the WOMB-MAN is in the lead. Your father couldn’t lead and you cannot lead. You are not built for it. You are built to protect and provide and do. So, why the fuck do you think you are not going to part with your cash when it comes to me?
It’s almost like a flea. Lol. Fucking annoying, and the dumb bitches multiply so quickly. These foolish ideas of “in it for the money” campaigns roar across the internets and it only exposes how YOU FUCKING FAILED AT PATRIARCHY. Or how the education system has failed you, because WTF DO YOU MEAN? Is McDonald’s in it for the money? I don’t know maybe they actually feed the slop the call food to you to cut COST [money] to take more of your MONEY. And you seem to never complain about that scammin’ ass McDonald’s about “being in it for the money”.
I have to say, the only men who think this way are men who are on $200 budgets and expect $5000 service. It’s gross. BROKE BITCHES GET A JOB PRO-FETISH AIN’T YA SHIT. It’s time you start looking for someone who you wanna date who is into your lifetstyle. But you’re such a pussy, you want to be two people at once you won’t even EMBRACE YOUR FETISH by finding a woman that is into your shit. A JOKE. Lol.
Because Goddess Aspen and all those who charge for their time, services, and are participating in this capitalistic system operating their businesses independently will always be in it for the fucking CHECK. Get a CLUE dick beater. Get a wife. LOL.
If you want to be my boyfriend refer here.
Florida Calls Me Again
Recently, I went to FetishCon. An annual fetish event where performers, fans, lifetstylers, and producers meet to network and/or party. Mostly, it’s just a big kinky ass party. I stayed with Sarah DiAvola. I have always admired Sarah, she is a fucking bad ass. Obviously, she thinks I am too because she agreed to let me stay at her house during FetishCon. That was August 8-14th. I had a fucking ball! My Lawyer Loser slave MK sent me some cash. I, of course, received more cash from others. I met lovely ladies and gents. The weekend was a success.
Now, nearly two and a half weeks later I am back in Florida with Sarah ready to film the films we had no time to create during the Con. On the 5th, I drove down to St. Augustine, FL to visit my long-term submissive James. We hadn’t seen each other in 3 years! It was refreshing to visit him. He, of course, set me up in a beautiful suite at World Golf Village Renaissance Hotels. I loved my room. I even decided to film 2 clips, a few Onlyfans short clips, and took so many photos that are on my OF, right NOW. I took whatever money he had left in his wallet, because it’s mine, and sent him home for the night. Drained him of $1k + the $400 he sent to get me to drive a day before I planned to come to FL.
The drive to St. Petersburg, although only 3 hours, was exhausting as FUCK! I was so ready to get to Sarah’s because I was simply over driving at this point. I finally arrive at her house by 3:30 pm. We get some dabs, pre-rolls, and more dabs. It was needed and appreciated! We hit those dabs, ate pasta, and I knocked out after all that. I was extremely fucking tired, dude. I slept from 6pm-4 am. I’m up now writing blogs for losers. However, I am not at all upset. Florida has an energy that seems to prevent me from having any qualms about anything.
I am accepting custom orders with Sarah DiAvola for my time here in St. Pete. You may place your orders here: I will be driving back home on the 10th, early morning. Time is very limited and we will be accepting limited requests. Never forget, I also offer sessions for select boys ONLY. Make sure you head to the booking page to see what is required of you to gain my presence. All of the content that we film together will be on these platforms: C4S, IWC, MANYVIDS, & ONLYFANS.
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