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Five Reasons To Serve A Black Woman This February

Happy Black History Month to a Black Woman, losers! Yes, it is the time of the year where Black accomplishments and Black contributions to American History are recognized. It is a time where we remember the enslaved who helps build this country along with the freedmen who helped mold this country as well. This month, you will focus on Black Women. Specifically, me. Your Goddess, is indeed apart of Black History Month. Due to her hard work and amazing training skills, she is forever immortalized via the internet and print. Here are 10 reasons why you should be worshipping her this month vs worshipping anyone else.
1. She Is Black & Beautiful Black Woman
There is no secret about my beauty. I am the embodiment of beautiful Black Woman. My ancestry hails from antebellum Alabama and even deeper you can connect my blood straight back to Africa. That means I am ancient in my beauty, wisdom, and brains. Serving me makes you feel beautiful because it is contagious. You feel worthy by proximity. That ego boost for a little loser like you is crack. You will never feel more attractive than you will when you are my little loser.

2. This Black Woman Is Smarter Than You
I am an intelligent Black Woman. And you enjoy our deep intellectual conversations. While yes, you probably should be talking to a certified Therapist for your irrational fetishes and sexual desires, it feels so much better to pay me a 100% markup rate. I am extremely intuitive when it comes to knowing the subtle, more deeper motivations on my losers. I am able to pick up on even the smallest things. Thanks to me being an HSP, I know all the things you hide, deep inside. A highly telepathic being, I probably know what you need and want better than you do. What better person than I, should be guiding your life?
3. Paying Her Is Like Sex
After months of training, your brain will be rewired to wanting to please me. It will become orgasmic for you to think of how to improve my life. I am not sure exactly when this happens to the submissive but it always happens. Men love doing things for me. They love paying me. I know it must be related to the sexual rush it gives them. Seeing me wearing clothing you know you paid for. Watching me travel, knowing you’re the reason I am smiling. Serving me requires that you change from a selfish little hand pumper to a devoted sub for me. You feel the changes happening to you on an inner level. It’s indescribable, you tell me often.
4. She Is The Only Ebony You See
After falling deeper for me, it becomes evident that there was never any other Black Woman to serve but me. I am the only Ebony Domme, you need. Through me you have learned what true submission is. What it is like to truly serve the one true Black Goddess: Aspen Aires. In fact, your service and devotion to me become religion because you’ve never felt so alive than you have when you are with me. There was only one Ebony, and that is me. You make that your mantra all February: “There is only one Ebony Goddess: Goddess Aspen Aires”.
5. You Can’t Stay Away From Her
Not only have I gotten deeply into every groove in your brand and reformed it for me, you’re hopelessly in love with me. It was so easy to fall in love with me. I have allowed you to feel so secure, safe. Now, you fear losing me. So, you are always sending me gifts, tributes, buying content, reading my blog, listening to my podcast, because you want to be close to me. In fact, you have become my top submissive because you have witness all the four reasons above. And who could fucking blame you?
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